Monday, July 28, 2014

Instagram Challenge

Pues el reto de Instagram ha terminado. Si no lo vieron asegúrense de darle in vistazo en mi IG

Mientras tanto, muchas cosas han estado pasando en mi vida, y las iré compartiendo poco a poco. 

Lo que hoy les vengo a compartir es algo muy corto y simple. Casi siempre mis amigas me preguntan que como hago para que me salga bien la linea con el delineador... La verdad es que es súper fácil, solo requiere de práctica. Incluso a mi a veces me sale horrible!

Así que me tomé a la tarea de hacer un step by step de como lo hago.

La imagen la subí en mi IG y también en mi página de Facebook, así que si aun no me sigues en cualquier red social, no pierdas tiempo y hazlo yaa! :) Los enlaces están en la barra lateral :3

¡Espero que tengan una semana excelente!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Challenge accepted!

Hola todos! Entrada en español.. haha que raro... Pero bueno solo vuelvo acá para comentarles, acabo de empezar un reto en Instagram que se llama 30 Días de Belleza (wuu emociooon).

Acepté hacer este reto porque es una manera super sencilla para mi de compartirles mis productos favoritos de belleza <3 y además super práctica!

En la barra lateral ----> está el link para mi instagram. Pueden seguirme para ver todo lo que voy publicando :) Si ven algo que les interese y quieren alguna reseña díganmelo con toda confianza en verdad! y prepararé una entrada en el blog para ese producto en especifico (:

Les dejo acá la imagen del reto para que vean lo que voy a estar publicando.

Obviamente las invito a que se unan a este reto también! Y les comparto mi primera publicación del reto. Entren a mi IG para ver la descrippción!

Nos vemos en IG!

Thursday, May 15, 2014


I've been having a hard time to get my thoughts together and land my ideas to write a decent blog post.... Meanwhile I just wanted to share that after 7 months of unemployment i finally have a job! And I couldn't be happier!

credit to:
In other news... I was surfing my newsfeed on facebook the other day, and found a blog post by one of the bloggers who inspired me to start my own blog. Her name is Gala Darling, she writes all about radical self love, fashion, and everything pink and sparkly!

You should definitely go check her out, I'm sure you will love her!

I'll leave you with an extract from her most recent blog post, which actually, lit the spark inside me to keep going with this project.

"The truth is that you don’t have to be perfect to live a kick-ass life, and you certainly don’t have to be a saint to inspire others. Take a moment to think about it: the people who excite, thrill and inspire you most are probably not supermodels, but flawed weirdos who have made something fantastic out of their previously ordinary lives."

credit to:

To read the whole thing click here!

And remember, perfect does not exist!

Later bugs!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Recommendation of the Week

I mentioned on my last post how I've been watching a LOT of tv shows since i've been unemployed, so I thought I'd share my latest obsession with y'all.

I will warn you, this show has a lot of nudity compared to a regular show, but less than Game of Thrones, you get me? Still I've been having a blast watching this series. 

Just a bunch of girls on their 20`s trying to get their shit together, and come on, I think almost everyone at that age is just trying to figure out what to do next... at least that's my case haha.

There are a lot of things I can assure you will be identified with, you can connect with any of the characters on any of their situations because you have probably been through something similar.

The way I see it is the story of four girls trying to find themselves, just like we all are. Everything from jobs to unemployment, virgins and sex, drugs and rehab, even mental illness.

There's really anything else I could write without describing the whole thing, you guys just need to watch this. And yes as it happens with everything some of you will love it and some will hate it, but that's just life.

Just give it a try and if you do love this show you will know what I was trying to say.

At least just watch the trailer and make me happy (:

If you do start to watch this show please tell me what your thoughts are!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Overcoming the Winter Depression

Image from The Law of Attraction

I am totally not writting this to make you guys feel down or whatever, I just felt like writing how I deal with my winter mood swings since this is a thing that affects me and many people every year...

This year was different to many others... I generally have a lot of things to do, job, church choir, teaching sunday school, be with family, be with friends, be with boyfriend, etc... But this time I didn't have that much to do...

I had to quit my job on october because I wasn't getting paid... at all. This girl gotta pay her own bills... So I started looking for a new job, but I couldn't find anything! It honestly felt like the universe was plotting against me... It had been quite a while since I was unemployed, nearly 5 years!

So, after a month and a half, I lost hope and gave up looking for a job... I said: "I'll take this time to rest and think what I want out of life, I'll start looking for a job on january"

But that was just it, I had no idea what I wanted out of life, what I wanted to do with my life... I still have no clue by the way...

So I started to get all existentialist, thinking how I had wasted this past year, how I'm already on my mid 20's and still haven't achieved anything I considered worthy. And since I couldn't find a job I started to lose faith in my abilities, I though: "Maybe I'm not that great as a designer... maybe I suck..."

And all this within a month... I spent my days laying on the couch on my pj's watching every tv series or movie I hadn't seen, and listening to every depressing tune on my playlist. And of course I started to crave everything I watched on TV... fucking TV...

People, especially girls... PLEASE ignore anything you see on TV, that's not real life...

Back to the point.. I was being a pussy and letting my feelings take over my mind... That's not cool....

So how did I overcame this? I literally kicked my ass out of that couch. There's no use in feeling sorry for myself... a job wasn't gonna land in my lap and make everything perfect again. I had to get up and do something for myself.

I started sending resumes and actually started working out.

People, working out is like the best therapy ever! You'll never feel bad or depressed after a workout, maybe sore... but the feeling of doing something to improve your health is great!

And yeah... I still have no job.. and no money... and some debts... I still have no idea what I want to do with my life but I'm no longer feeling down about it... besides, there are people in the world with bigger problems than mine, and I don't say it to like feel good about myself, on the contrary, I feel bad about myself for letting me down for such trivial things....

I still have plenty of time to figure things out, God help me...

There's no use wasting time thinking about all the thins you haven't done, all the time you think is slipping through your fingers... Better to do something with that time, than literally throwing it away...

YOLO has a deeper meaning to me now, and yeah I am aware that sounded ridiculous... But bare with me here... 

YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. That's the ultimate truth. You only have one life to make the best out of it, to achieve your goals, to go after your dreams, not to throw it away abusing alcohol and drugs... people please.. that's just being stupid...

That said... I really hope I didn't bore you to death... Those who made it to the end, you have my eternal love (:

Get up of that couch! Take life by the horns! Or whatever way you wanna say it.... Just do something for yourself.

Love and stuff.

PS. Also... I changed my hair! Go check it out on my IG!

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